ILSS Leadership Program

Unleashing Potential: The Core Elements of The ILSS Leadership Program

Date : Jun 15 , 2024 | Dr Rajneesh Chowdhury

The ILSS Leadership Program is meticulously designed to unleash leadership potential for the social sector. By focusing on discovery, connection, upskilling, and ecosystem building, the Program specifically benefits senior leaders in the private sector crossing over to the social sector. The Program’s components work synergistically to catalyse transformation from self-discovery to impactful engagement, that marks milestones in their life and career transition journey. Leaders learn about the policy and regulatory environment that affect the social sector. Various approaches and frameworks are provided to participants that enable them to navigate the complexities of the sector effectively and advocate for changes that support their work. The program encourages partnerships from different sectors to leverage diverse resources, expertise, and perspectives. Participants are trained to engage with the communities they serve, ensuring that their initiatives are inclusive, participatory, and responsive to the actual needs of stakeholders. This collective approach can lead to more comprehensive and sustainable solutions. Participants learn strategies for building and nurturing partnerships across different sectors, including government, private sector, and civil society. These collaborations can enhance the reach and impact of their initiatives.

Following are the core elements of the Program:

The ILSS approach to leadership training and development

Also Read Unlocking Your Leadership Capacity within the Social Sector

The foundation of the ILSS approach to leadership training and development is self-awareness and critical thinking. Leaders engage in exercises and reflective practices to understand their core values, motivations, and leadership styles. This process helps them identify their strengths and areas for growth, fostering a deeper sense of purpose and direction. By exploring various leadership styles and understanding their own, participants can align their personal values with their leadership approach, enhancing their authenticity and effectiveness.

Additionally, graduates are offered a robust platform to become part of an extensive alumni network, which provides ongoing support, opportunities for collaboration, and a space for sharing best practices and resources. Several opportunities are crafted for leaders to come together, both virtually and in person. Such opportunities are crucial for leaders as they foster networking, collaboration, knowledge exchange, and inspiration, ultimately enhancing their ability to drive impactful social change. Several webinars are organised throughout the year that host subject-matter experts who share good practices from the sector and experiences that serve as valuable learning for real-life implementation of interventions. Learning circles enable peers to come together from time to time to share their stories and take-aways from the field.

Finally, a unique aspect of our Program is confident career transition support for leaders. Our alumni benefit from the ILSS placement support designed to help them cross over seamlessly into the social sector. Our placement team proactively works with our alumni to explore their fitment to new opportunities on a continual basis.

For ILSS, leadership development is a holistic approach that encompasses discovery, connection, upskilling, and ecosystem building to unleash the potential of social sector leaders in profound ways. By developing self-aware, strategic, and innovative leaders, the ILSS leadership development training ensures that participants are well-equipped to tackle the complex challenges of the social sector. Leaders emerge from the program with enhanced capabilities to drive social change with the realisation of the importance to drive population scale impact. By fostering collaboration and building robust networks, the program contributes to a more interconnected and supportive social sector ecosystem. This collective strength enables more comprehensive and lasting solutions to social challenges.

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