“Spend time volunteering with the organization and the founder you want to join in a full-time capacity so that both of you learn to work with each other. Unlike in the corporates, the rewards in the social sector are not financial, and hence the drivers are also not financial. But the satisfaction is phenomenal.” – Luis Miranda
On 5th June 2018, India Leaders for Social Sector (ILSS) held an Info-Session & Alumni Meet in Mumbai, with an interactive Q&A session with the very inspiring Luis Miranda (Chairman of CORO and Centre for Civil Society and Founder of IDFC Private Equity). Luis shared insights from his journey through private equity to the social sector, his experience working with different organizations and climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, and some practical advice for those looking to follow his steps, in an engaging conversation with Anu Prasad, Founder of ILSS. The event saw the coming together of ILSS Alumni and Faculty, social sector leaders and also professionals motivated to work for transforming India.
Luis is Chairman of CORO and Centre for Civil Society. He is also actively involved with other non-profits including SNEHA, CARE India, Educate Girls, and Take Charge. He spends his time these days connecting the dots for amazing social entrepreneurs, using his network to help the organisations he is connected with. Luis is also Senior Advisor to Morgan Stanley Infrastructure and Advisor to the Nadathur Group. Prior to this, he was involved with setting up two highly successful companies – HDFC Bank and IDFC Private Equity. He is on Chicago Booth’s Global Advisory Board and Social Enterprise Initiative’s Advisory Board and writes a blog for Forbes India. Luis received an MBA from the Booth School of Business, University of Chicago and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.